Harrisburg Unit # 3 Phase 4 Return to Play Guidelines and Daily Operations For Harrisburg Athletic Department As a result of the Governor’s Restore Illinois Plan, Phase 4 for the state and Phase 4 for the IHSA have started, IHSA member schools are now permitted to begin use of voluntary summer contact days. Prioritizing the health and safety of all students and staff must remain the focus of Harrisburg High School. This plan will be modified as needed and guided by IHSA standards and guidelines. Start Date for Contact Days: Monday, July 6th Coaches need to set up contact, conditioning, and weight room days and times with athletes in your sport using social media, Remind, etc. Students that participate in multiple sports for the year are encouraged to be grouped, for summer participation, in their fall sport. Spaces That May Be Used: Weight Rooms, Track, Outside Fields, Gymnasiums (Auxiliary Gym will be Unavailable on July 20) Personnel Allowed: 50 Total Individuals including coaches. Students are limited to 5 hours of participation per day. The following procedures will be followed when conducting voluntary strength and conditioning sessions (Weight Room/Conditioning do not count as a contact day) and voluntary contact days (Sports specific skill training and use of equipment). * The IHSA Board of Directors has modified the language of IHSA By-law 3.153 to reduce the number of summer contact days from 25 to 20 for the Summer of 2020. . * The IHSA Board of Directors has modified the language of IHSA By-law 3.153 to expand the timeline for use of summer contact days through Sunday of Week 6. This eliminates the "dead week" during the first week of August. * The IHSA Board of Directors discussed but did NOT waive the requirements of IHSA By-law 2.150 requiring students to have a physical examination not more than 395 days preceding any date of practice, contest or activity. Please remind your athletes to schedule a physical examination as soon as possible. PRE-WORKOUT • Schools must maintain a daily record of what athletes are participating, when, symptoms they may present. These forms should be returned to the Athletic Office. * Athletes and coaches should be screened at the start of practice for temperature >100.4F/38C or symptoms of COVID-19 (fevers, chills, cough, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of taste or smell). Please see me for thermometers and COVID forms. * Any person with symptoms or a positive COVID-19 test should NOT participate in practice, competition, or conditioning and should be referred to a physician for evaluation and only return after clearance to do so from a physician. Athletes will need to provide doctors documentation if they are showing signs of one of the before mentioned symptoms for an unrelated health issue (Other than COVID) to be able to participate. * Signage about symptoms and transmission of COVID-19 should be posted around facilities. District will be putting up signs at facilities. • Multiple groups of 50 or less permitted outside only with 30 feet of distance required between groups. • Multiple groups of 50 not permitted indoors by defined spaces (50 in gym, 50 in the fieldhouse, 50 in a band room, etc.) * When students are not actively participating in a drill, practice, or contest, they must maintain social distance between individuals. • If locker rooms are a necessity, capacity should be limited to ensure members can maintain 6ft of social distance. • Individuals should sanitize or wash their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with warm water and soap before touching any surfaces or participating in workouts. • Appropriate clothing/shoes should be worn at all times in the weight room to minimize sweat from transmitting onto equipment/surfaces. • Students must be encouraged to shower and wash their workout clothing immediately upon returning to home. FACILITIES CLEANING • Adequate cleaning schedules, before and after each use by a group of athletes, should be created and implemented for all athletic facilities to mitigate any communicable diseases. Cleaning supplies and gloves will be supplied. • Prior to an individual or groups of individuals entering a facility, hard surfaces within that facility should be wiped down and sanitized (chairs, furniture in meeting rooms, locker rooms, weight room equipment, bathrooms, athletic training room tables, etc.). • Hand sanitizer should be plentiful and available to individuals as they transfer from place to place. • Weight equipment should be wiped down thoroughly before and after an individual’s use of equipment. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT • On July 6tht, summer contact days may begin for Harrisburg Unit # 3. Coaches are encouraged to use a staged approach to build back up to full summer contact activity and competitions. Local districts should work with their health departments and local school officials to make decisions about team travel to summer competitions. * Athletes, who did not participate in Stage 1, are encouraged to follow the fall acclimatization schedule for any sport. * Football players should maintain their summer acclimatization schedule, per IHSA By-Law 3.157. • There should be no shared athletic towels, clothing, or shoes between students. • Hand sanitizer or hand washing stations should be plentiful at summer contact events. • Other equipment, such as bats, batting helmets, catchers gear, hockey helmets/pads, wrestling ear guards, football helmets/other pads, and lacrosse helmets/pads/gloves/eyewear should be worn by only one individual and not shared. • Shared equipment such as athletic balls, thud pads, sleds should be cleaned frequently during practice and competitions. • Below is the link from Wilson regarding ball sanitization guidance. • Wilson Sporting Goods Guida#A18 • In Phase 4 spotters for weightlifting are allowed. Maximum lifts should be done only with power cages for squats and bench presses. Spotters should stand at each end of the bar and MUST wear a mask. HYDRATION • All students shall bring their own water bottle. Water bottles must NOT be shared. • Hydration stations (water cows, water trough, water fountains, etc.) may be utilized to fill individual water bottles ONLY but must be cleaned after every practice/contest. CONTESTS • Group sizes should be limited to 50 total participants, coaches, and referees (i.e. excludes spectators). * Any additional team members can sit on the sidelines 6 feet apart from one another. • During the use of summer contact days, multiple groups of 50 or fewer participants are permitted in a facility at once as long as: facilities allow for social distancing of students, coaches, and spectators or 30-ft of distancing is maintained between groups/ opposing teams on the sidelines, and/or areas for each group are clearly marked to discourage interaction between groups outside competitive game play. • Schools must have information posted at entrances and around facilities explaining the transmission as well as symptoms of COVID-19, encouraging all visitors to maintain social distance, and reminding people to stay home if they feel sick or have any of the symptoms of COVID-19: temperature >100.4 F/38 C, fevers, chills, cough, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of taste or smell. • If schools choose to permit spectators, there should be a designated area for spectators with existing seating capped at 20 percent of capacity. This will be determined at a later date. • Visual markers shall be displayed at queue points (Check-ins, along sidelines, concessions, bleachers, etc.) to help people maintain social distance. • Concession stands may open in line with restaurant businesses physical workspace guidelines. • Encourage spectators to bring their own chairs from home for outdoor activities. • No handshakes, high fives, fist bumps, hugs, etc. can occur pre- or post-match. • No spitting or blowing of the nose without the use of a tissue is allowed. PPE • Students should be masked unless actively engaged in activity. • Coaches should be masked. • Officials should be masked unless ACTIVELY exercising as part of their officiating duties. • Officials must use electronic whistles. It is the responsibility of each IHSA member school to comply with these requirements. If available, it is encouraged that an athletic trainer or medical personnel be available for workouts. They should be masked for any interactions with athletes and maintain appropriate social distance when feasible. GUIDELINES MUST BE FOLLOWED. It is the sole responsibility of the coaches to adhere to all safety guidelines and requirements stated in this plan. There will be no deviation of these guidelines.
over 4 years ago, Greg Langley
Please take our parent survey regarding returning to learning. Parent Survey Link: https://forms.gle/Bz4zFo6veEM1X3Sr7
over 4 years ago, Nikki Williams
Taylor Field will be closed to the public on Wednesday, June 24 from 8:30 am - 11:30 am for Harrisburg High School Cheerleading Tryouts. It will be back open to the public around 11:45 am.
over 4 years ago, Greg Langley
The IHSA announced that sports physicals will still be required this season. All athletes are encouraged to make an appointment sooner than later to be able to participate in a sport this year.
over 4 years ago, Greg Langley
Harrisburg High School Stage 1: Return to Play for weight lifting and conditioning will begin Monday, June 22. Workouts will be conducted on Monday and Thursday to start. Please complete the form below to schedule your group time slot. Times available are 9am, 10am, 11am, 3pm, and 4 pm at each location. Taylor Field Weight Room: Juniors and Seniors Middle School Weight Room: Sophomores High School Weight Room: Freshman All equipment is sanitized before use. Students work in groups of 9 + 1 coach. Temperature checks and questions are completed prior to entering facilities. Anyone showing a temperature over 100.4 or answers yes to any of the 5 questions asked (Symptoms of COVID-19) may not participate and should be referred to a physician for evaluation and testing. Hand sanitizer is given out prior to workout. Athletes wear a Face Mask to the workout. Maintain a distance of 6 feet from another person at all times. Locker rooms will NOT be used. Mandatory time of cleaning is done each time a new athlete is using a piece of equipment. Athletes bring their own water and water bottles, drinking fountains are NOT permitted. Athletes wash hands at the conclusion of workout. Groups of athletes should not cross each other when leaving. This plan will be modified as needed and guided by IHSA standards and guidelines. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepyil6Xq4Zm6KK_tjPNlPuxuEgNgXGByiaY8H5nRnn_htTJQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 4 years ago, Greg Langley
Great news Bulldog Nation, the governor has allowed us to resume behind the wheel portion of Drivers Education. The process will go as follows.. We have 84 students to be completed. It will not be possible to get all of these students drivers completed this summer but we will try to complete as many as possible before school resumes. These students will be driven oldest to youngest ,by date of birth, that hold a current white slip and is available to drive at the time slots presented to your students. We understand it is a hectic time, we have three (3) instructions driving this summer to increase flexibility but students we need you to help us and be flexible as well. Mr. Dwyer will be in touch with you oldest to youngest. If you do not receive a call this week you can contact me to see where you are at on the list of 84. If your child is not driven this summer they will again be driven oldest to youngest, by date of birth, once school starts in August. This will also depend upon the availability in your students schedule. Most importantly student is required to have a mask with when they show up to drive. We will follow the state guidelines regarding cleaning the car. Each time your student shows up to drive they will be required to answer the standard Covid -19 questions regarding any possible symptoms. It is crucial that you show up for your designated time slot to drive. We are required to have two kids in the car each session and if one does not show up we sacrifice an hour of driving. WARNING If you miss your scheduled time slot more than once you will be moved to the end of the list of 84 to be driven. Thank you for your patience with this process. This is all new to us as well as you. We are trying our very best to work out details. Just to reiterate I do not have Facebook so please do not comment on this post. Please feel free to contact my cell phone number if you have questions. Sincerely, Richard Dwyer Drivers Education Chair
over 4 years ago, Scott Dewar
2020 HHS Graduation is tomorrow at 11 am Saline County Fairgrounds. Students arrive at 9:45 am and parents can arrive at 10:15. WEBQ will be broadcasting/streaming on the radio and Hart's Music will be videoing so bring your devices.
over 4 years ago, Scott Dewar
Just a reminder that Harrisburg High School's 2020 drive thru/drive in graduation ceremony is set for Saturday, June 6 11:00 am at the Saline County Fairgrounds. Students please arrive in cap and gowns at 9:45. If you need a vehicle to drive in the graduation, please let me know as soon as possible. Parents, please arrive at the fairgrounds no earlier than 10:15. I hope everyone enjoys this special occasion.
over 4 years ago, Scott Dewar
Graduation Map of Fairgrounds
over 4 years ago, Scott Dewar
Graduation Map of Fairgrounds
Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony The recommendations below must be employed for a drive-in ceremony to be held: -Harrisburg High School has handed out all caps and gowns, so all graduates can arrive in their vehicles dressed in caps and gowns. If a graduating student needs a vehicle provided, please email me as soon as possible so I can get that arranged.  Students will need to arrive at 9:45 am and park in their designated rows in the northeast parking lot.  Last name beginning with A-C will be Row 1, D-H Row 2, I-O Row 3, P-S Row 4, and T-Z Row 5.   -There may be no person-to-person contact during the ceremony. Administration may not hand students diplomas, or any other items, or shake graduates’ hands.  -High school personnel will be present to ensure students remain at least six feet apart at all times and mark safe walking pathways for students exiting cars.  -Parents, please do not get out of your vehicle to try to take pictures. Harrisburg High School will provide someone to take multiple pictures of all individual graduates and provide the photos free of charge to families in order to reduce concern of missing these important moments.  -Students will walk across a stage and pose for a picture individually.  -Only staff and a limited number of students may be outside of their cars.  Sitting on flatbed trailers or sitting in the bed if a truck will not be permitted.  -Parents will be in their vehicles, and parked in the parking lot in front of the stage.  Parents may start arriving at 10:15 am. Extended family members will be parked in the lots behind the parents.  The ceremony will be broadcasted by WEBQ radio station, so that everyone will be able to listen, even if they are unable to make it to the ceremony.  -The graduation will start at 11:00, so it might be warm.  We understand that your vehicle might need to be left running to provide air conditioning, but please be considerate of the graduation ceremony. Only staff and a limited number of students may be outside of their cars.  -Restroom facilities and refreshments will NOT be available.  -Facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities and provide all necessary accommodations for students with special needs.  -We are trying to set expectations, policies, and guidelines in advance to ensure overall health and safety of everyone.
over 4 years ago, Scott Dewar
Class of 2020 and parents, The HHS Graduation Ceremony has been officially set for Saturday, June 6 at 11:00.  This event will take place at the Saline County Fairgrounds to allow for a "drive thru" type ceremony.  Specific details, guidelines, and parking instructions will be posted over the next couple of days.  Again, congratulations to the HHS Class of 2020.
over 4 years ago, Scott Dewar
Driver education students, Bulldog Nation I am back with another update regarding Driver’s Education this time this is for all students who have completed BOTH classroom and the behind the wheel portion of Driver’s Education. I will be passing out the needed paper work to obtain your Driver’s License once the Illinois Secreary of State reopens all Drivers license facilities at a date yet to be determined. I will be in my classroom on Tuesday May 26th from 1:30 PM-5:00 PM and also again on June 8th from 1:30PM -5:00 PM. Again please do not contact me via Facebook due to the fact I do not have a Facebook account and HHS Staff must contact me with your questions. You can contact me at 618-841-3605. Thank you for your time. Continue to stay Bulldog Strong! Mr. Richard Dwyer
over 4 years ago, Scott Dewar
Click link for IDPH and Illinois State Board of Education Guidance for Graduation Ceremonies: https://5il.co/gbdf
over 4 years ago, Nikki Williams
ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING SENIOR GRADUATION The Graduation Ceremony will look similar to a DRIVE - IN Movie. 1. The date of the ceremony is yet to be determined. 2. All spectators will be required to stay in their vehicle the entire ceremony. Anyone that exits their vehicle for any reason will be forced to leave with NO EXCEPTIONS. This is necessary for us to abide by all guidelines. 3. We will be using the Saline County Fairgrounds for the event 4. WEBQ will be broadcasting the ceremony live so you can listen in your car or roll down windows and listen to the sound system 5. Mr.and Mrs. Hart will also live stream the event....those details will be provided at the same time as the date of the scheduled event. 6. All speeches will be given as scheduled 7. Seniors will be lined up in a designated area by staff and will drive their vehicle to the stage, exit their vehicle, walk up on stage and receive their diploma. (we will provide a vehicle for those students who do not have one). 8. They will then get back in their car and follow the route in their vehicle to the pavilion where they will be able to take a picture, get back in their car and exit the pavilion This is NOT a perfect graduation ceremony, it is not what we want, it is not ideal......but it does allow us to honor our Seniors. We ask that you help us KEEP THE FOCUS on them and adhere to all the rules and guidelines we ask be followed. We encourage you to come, sit in your car and listen to the ceremony on WEBQ. Honk when we would normally clap and show these Seniors we care. I will be putting out the IDPH guidelines in another message and will let you know a date for the ceremony as soon as we can get a grip on the weather. Please call the High School if you have any questions. Thank you for your support and SENIORS.....I AM VERY HAPPY WE ARE ABLE TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!!! Mike
over 4 years ago, Nikki Williams
Attention Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen: Just a reminder that your packets are due no later than May 26, however if you finish early, tubs will be placed outside the main entrance to drop them off starting today. Make sure your name is on every document. You will be able to come to the school on May 26 to clean out lockers and turn in textbooks/AR books. Social distancing guidelines and face masks are required to enter the school. The schedule for May 26 is as follows: Juniors- 9-10 Sophomores- 11-12 Freshman- 1-2
over 4 years ago, Scott Dewar
Attention all Harrisburg senior spring athletes: reminder to bring all school uniforms and equipment to turn in on Thursday, May 14 from 8am-12 noon at the high school.
over 4 years ago, Greg Langley
Attention Seniors: Just a reminder, that seniors will need to come to the school on Thursday, May 14 from 8-12 to clean out lockers, clean out PE lockers, turn in textbooks, turn in AR books, pick up caps and gowns, final report cards, and other end of the year items.  Please remember, we can only allow a few students in the school at a time.  You will need to wear a mask or face covering and adhere to social distancing while in the school.  Please bring something to pack your belongings in to take home. 
over 4 years ago, Scott Dewar
5-11-20 Bulldog Nation I promise you an update as soon as I received one from the State of Illinois and we finally got some good news and it is as follows; I will be contacting each student personally from 2nd Semester Driver’s Education and any student from 1st Semester Driver’s Education that have not been able to obtain their white slip in the upcoming days. There will be more information to follow in the personal notification. Unfortunately, there is no new information regarding the Illinois Secretary of State offices and Drivers Services facilities re-opening any earlier than June 2, 2020 for those who are still waiting to obtain their Driver’s License. There is also no new information from the State of Illinois Secretary of State office or the Illinois Governor’s office regarding completion of the 6 hours of Behind the wheel Driving. Please be assured I will update you if there are other changes that come down from Springfield and the State of Illinois. Please do not respond to the HHS Facebook Post because I personally do not have Facebook and Mrs. Winter has to contact me regarding each posts. Thank you. Stay #Bulldogstrong!!! Sincerely, Richard Dwyer HHS Drivers Education Chair
over 4 years ago, Scott Dewar
5-4-2020 Greetings Bulldog Nation, I hope this update still finds you safe and well at this troubling time America and still practicing social distancing. This is just an update from the letter dated 4-2-2020 that can be found on the school website and Facebook Page. The tentative date for the Governor to allow the Illinois Secretary of State offices and Drivers Services facilities to re-open now is at the earliest date of June 2,2020. This means that your student will not be able to obtain a Illinois Driver’s License or a White slip until this date at the earliest. In regards to completing the 6 hour behind the wheel portion of Drivers Education that many students still need to complete the Governor’s office and the Illinois State Board of Education has not released a tentative date to resume this portion of the Driver’s Education Class. As soon as a date is released I can assure you that the behind the wheel portion will resume in the following order oldest child to youngest child by birth date. You can be assured I will update you if there are any changes. Sincerely, Richard Dwyer HHS Drivers Education Chair
over 4 years ago, Scott Dewar
All Harrisburg High School Spring sport athletes will turn in their uniforms and school equipment at the high school on the following dates: Seniors: Thursday May 14 8 am-12 noon Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshman: Tuesday May 26, times TBA. We will only allow a certain number of athletes in the school at a time. You will need to wear a mask or face covering and social distancing will be followed.
over 4 years ago, Greg Langley