Dear Parent,
It is time for our district to complete the 2020 Illinois 5Essentials survey. Some teachers at HHS will be assigning extra credit to students whose parents complete the survey by December 6.
The 5Essentials survey gathers information related to five indicators shown to improve school success. It is to be completed by students, parents and teachers. The percent participating affects our school’s overall designation.
The parent survey link is:
To get extra credit for your student (s), please follow these steps by December 6.
Go to the above link and click the Start button.
Log in. Be sure to enter your email address.
Complete the survey.
When you receive the thank you notification for completing the survey, forward it to the high school. Be sure to type the name of your student (s) in the Subject Box. The forwarding address is:
Thank you for your participation!
Harrisburg High School Building Leadership Team